3 Reasons to Send Your Children to Summer School

Summer School

Many schools, both private and public alike, offer summer school programs. Take a look at summer school Redmond WA to learn more about these programs. Check out this list of three reasons to send your children to summer school.

1. Prevents Summer Learning Loss

Summer learning loss is the loss of reading and math skills in children during summer break. Summer school helps prevent summer learning loss because it gives children the chance to participate in a variety of educational activities. They can attend literature and history classes to brush up on their reading skills and science and math classes to refine their math skills. Studies have shown that, by engaging in academic activities during the summer, students can stave off the negative effects of summer learning loss.

2. Allows Them to Be Social

Many children do not get the chance to interact with other children during the summertime because they live far away from their friends or classmates or because they come from strict households. Summer school presents these children with the opportunity to learn and play with other kids. A multitude of summer school programs have break, recess, before-care, and after-care blocks built into their schedules, giving students the time and space to socialize with one another and form friendships.

3. Enriches Their Learning Experience

Summer school can be very academically enriching for many students. This is due to the fact that teachers often have more time and freedom to incorporate learning activities, such as science experiments, scavenger hunts, math explorations, and fossil excavations, that they would not be able to conduct during the regular school year. These activities can help students gain a better understanding of certain concepts.

Summer school programs can benefit your children in many ways. Take advantage of them as soon as you can.